Your Eyes are Dead




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Your Eyes are Dead video installation performance at Joey Ramone gallery, featured in the International Film Festival Rotterdam 2013

YOUR EYES ARE DEAD Chapter Two from rage bank on Vimeo.



Still from Your Eyes are Dead video installation at Joey Ramone gallery (2013)

Still from Your Eyes are Dead video installation ( 2013)

Still from Your Eyes are Dead video installation (2013)

Still from Your Eyes are Dead video installation at Charlie Smith London 2013


Kool Koor a member of Rammellzee's original graffiti crew taking part in panel discussion at Joey Ramone gallery with Cedar Lewisohn, Alexis Milne and Tex Royale (2013)


The Cult of Rammellzee (performance group based on recently deceased iconic rapper and graffiti philosopher) perform Mosezizm, a ritual to evoke the spirit of Robert Moses the architect responsible for the Cross Bronx Expressway. The building of the expressway, coupled with a fiscal crisis and the policies of neglect and planned shrinkage, left the South Bronx resembling a bombed out warzone. This urban warzone became the environment and backdrop of Hip Hop culture and its mediated representations in films such as Wildstyle, Stations of the Elevated and Wolfen. Performed at Joey Ramone gallery Rotterdam, featuring Tex Royale, Jezza Ho, Yoeri Guepin and Alexis Milne.