Stills from 'Networker' 2011 running time 6 minutes Filmed in Fruit Towers the former HQ of Innocent
tough times9 7 from rage bank on Vimeo.

tough times9 5 from rage bank on Vimeo.

tough times9 6 from rage bank on Vimeo.
Stills and excerpts from 'Networker' 2011 running time 6 minutes Filmed in Fruit Towers the former HQ of Innocent
The video Networker addresses the current breed of dressed down, cool capitalists exemplified by companies such as Ben and Jerries and wholesome fruit smoothie producers Innocent, critically highlighted in The New Spirit of Capitalism by Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello. The video features two absurdist caricatures of Ben and Jerry as they explore Fruit Towers, the abandoned empty offices of Innocent accompanied by two ice cream ‘baby boomer’ portable sculptures, influenced by the 1960’s political caricature paintings by Phillip Guston. Whilst ransacking office lockers and eating contemporary management theory, the absurdist Ben and Jerry perform an austere and shambolic fruit smoothie demonstration accompanied by readings from the poem Howl by Allen Ginsberg.